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SwedenSwedenResqunit AB

· First North Sweden
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First North Sweden
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· First North Sweden
· Valuta i SEK
First North Sweden
· First North Sweden · Valuta i SEK
· Valuta i SEK
First North Sweden
Utveckling idag
Omsatt (Antal)
19 dagar sedan
0,00 SEK/aktie
X-dag 24 juni



Senaste avslut

Volymvägt snittpris (VWAP)
Omsättning (SEK)

Vi vill bara påminna om att börsen ger och tar. Även om sparande i aktier historiskt gett god avkastning över tid finns inga garantier för framtida avkastning. Det finns risk att du inte får tillbaka de pengar du investerat.


Ingen data hittades


Nästa händelse
2023 Extra bolagsstämma
24 apr.
5 dagar
Tidigare händelser
2023 Q4-rapport31 mars
2023 Q2-rapport31 aug. 2023
2022 Årsstämma9 juni 2023
2022 Q4-rapport24 feb. 2023
2022 Q2-rapport31 aug. 2022
Data hämtas från Millistream

Relaterade värdepapper

Inga Nordnet Markets Certifikat finns med underliggande värdepapper. Se övriga Certifikat

Kunder har även besökt

Nyheter & Analyser

Nyheter och/eller generella investeringsrekommendationer alternativt utdrag därav på denna sida och relaterade länkar är framtagna och tillhandahålls av den leverantör som anges. Nordnet har inte medverkat till framtagandet, granskar inte och har inte gjort några ändringar i materialet. Läs mer om investeringsrekommendationer.
19 dagar sedan

Nyheter & Analyser

Nyheter och/eller generella investeringsrekommendationer alternativt utdrag därav på denna sida och relaterade länkar är framtagna och tillhandahålls av den leverantör som anges. Nordnet har inte medverkat till framtagandet, granskar inte och har inte gjort några ändringar i materialet. Läs mer om investeringsrekommendationer.


Nästa händelse
2023 Extra bolagsstämma
24 apr.
5 dagar
Tidigare händelser
2023 Q4-rapport31 mars
2023 Q2-rapport31 aug. 2023
2022 Årsstämma9 juni 2023
2022 Q4-rapport24 feb. 2023
2022 Q2-rapport31 aug. 2022
Data hämtas från Millistream

Relaterade värdepapper

Inga Nordnet Markets Certifikat finns med underliggande värdepapper. Se övriga Certifikat


Delta i diskussionerna på SharevilleFå inspiration från tusentals portföljer och diskutera med andra duktiga investerare.
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  • för 8 tim sedan
    för 8 tim sedan
    för 8 tim sedan
    för 8 tim sedan
  • 5 apr.
    Det kommer en presentasjon på Teams 19 april, med muligheter for spørsmål. Se melding på nyheter her.
  • 1 apr.
    1 apr.
    Jeg har flere spørsmål knyttet til dette. Noen som har noe svar (tenker å evt. sende til selskapet). Noen flere? 1. Hvem blir styret i Resqunit AB etter dette? Her kommet inn nye aksjonærer som har 90% av stemmene, og lite sannsynlig at dagen styre da fortsetter - som vel ikke kan noenting om kommersialisering av Omega3. 2. Hvem blir ledelsen i Resqunit AB. Skal Helge T Olsen drive med Omega3 salg? 3. Hvem er disse 90% aksjonærene? Står at aksjene BioVitos får skal deles ut til deres aksjonærer. Det er uklart hvem det er, annet enn "Morten Skjønberg" som eide 100% 31.12.22. 4. Finansering av AB. Jeg ser ikke at det kommer inn noen penger i Resqunit AB for å finansiere Omega3 satsningen? Skal ingen jobbe med dette? 5. Resqunit AB er forpliktet til å skyte inn mer penger i AS ved behov. Har de disse pengene? 6. Hva er utdelingstidspunktet for aksjer i Resqunit Interessenter? Hvem er styret i det selskapet? 7. Hvordan sikres at ikke AB, som hra fullt eierskap til AS i 12 mnd, ikke gjør beslutninger som har negativ påvirkning på verdiene i AS frem til Resqunit Interessenter kan kjøpe dette? 8. Har Resqunit Interessenter kapital til å kjøpe AS etter 12 mnd? Sikkert flere gode spørsmål her...
    10 apr.
    10 apr.
    Jeg sendte disse spørsmålene inn knyttet til møtet neste uke.
  • Clarifying Our Strategic Moves and Future Directions Dear Resqunit Family,  In recent times, our journey through the complexities of the stock market and strategic business maneuvers has evoked a wide array of conversations among our stakeholders. I am writing to you today to provide clarity and insight into our recent decisions, specifically regarding the strategic agreement we’ve entered into.  ( This CEO blog post can also be read on our website, here. )   Understanding the Costs and Benefits of Public Listing  Since our initial public offering, we faced several challenges inherent to being a publicly listed company. Listing on the stock market could have provided us with opportunities for growth and visibility, but the financial and operational costs have been substantial. It became increasingly clear that the benefits of being listed were overshadowed by these costs, especially given the limited liquidity of our shares and the material discount at which they traded compared to the listing price. This situation prompted us to critically evaluate the value of remaining on the stock exchange for our company and our shareholders.  A Strategic Decision  Our deliberations led us to conclude that operating in a private sphere could pave the way for a more sustainable operational model. We envisioned a structure where we could continue to innovate and grow without the added pressures and costs of being a public company. This vision was shared and supported by our board of directors, who have been instrumental in navigating these strategic waters.  A Transformative Deal for Resqunit  Our recent agreement with Bio Vitos Norge AS represents a significant milestone in our strategic pivot. This deal not only allows our shareholders the continued benefits on the stock exchange but also positions us for continued innovation and growth in the private sphere. The agreement involves the acquisition of intellectual property rights and a capital injection, allowing a continuation of the shareholder advantages of a listed entity built on the aqcuired new business, and capital for commercializing our existing business and maximizing value realization.  Financially, the transaction is structured to benefit Resqunit and its shareholders materially. We initially invested 3 million kroner to list our company, and through this deal, we will recoup 2 million kroner. More importantly, the costs associated with being listed will now be borne by the new business in the holding company, allowing the existing business in the subsidiary to save substantial costs and allocate resources more effectively towards our core mission.  What This Means for Our Shareholders  I understand that changes of this magnitude can lead to questions and concerns. Let me assure you that the interests of our shareholders have been at the forefront of our decision-making process. Through this transition, shareholders will retain their current number of shares in the continued listed company (the new business) and will also maintain the same number of shares and the same percentage ownership in the subsidiary operational company, eventuelly in a private sphere. This ensures that the value and influence you have as a shareholder are not only preserved, but increased as we embark on this new chapter.  Looking Forward  The decision to enter into this strategic agreement is not the end but a new beginning. For the company you know as Resqunit, It marks the start of a journey where we can focus more intently on our innovation, market penetration, and creating value for our stakeholders without the undue burdens of public market compliance and scrutiny.  In the newly forged relationship between Resqunit and Biovitos Norge AS, we are embarking on ventures that promise rapid value generation. Our focus is on two key assets acquired in the transaction: the Omega 3 North Norway brand and the drvitos.com platform.  RESQUNIT will commercialize Omega 3 North Norway, initially using the Amazon platforms, as a quick way to markets and revenues. The brand already has the highest ratings at Amazon, i.e. Fulfilment/Prime. This product proudly showcases its Norwegian heritage, being sourced and produced exclusively in North Norway, ensuring its authenticity and quality.  Furthermore, the brand drvitos.com is a digital doctor/healthcare service. drvitos.com specializes in the Obesitas/overweight sector, mainly medical prescriptions of Ozempic and other weightloss products/brands.   The service of the brand drvitos.com will be launched during the fall and early summer of 2024, in the five major European languages, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, as well as Swedish and Norwegian.  In the existing business, our commitment to solving pressing environmental issues through our technology remains unwavering. We are excited about the potential this new structure holds for us to make even more significant impacts in preventing the loss of marine equipment and contributing to the sustainability of our oceans.  I hope this message provides clarity and reassurance about our strategic direction and the rationale behind our recent decisions. We are at a pivotal point in our journey, and I am confident that with your continued support and trust, the future is bright for Resqunit.    Warm regards,  Helge Trettø Olsen  CEO, Resqunit
  • Ny regjering på plass på Azorene og samme parti beholdt plassen i hav og fiskeri. Om avtalen fra 15 august 2023 nå iverksettes som den er så kan det bli en game changer. https://www.theportugalnews.com/news/2024-03-04/new-government-for-the-azores/86575
Kommentarerna ovan kommer från användare på Nordnets sociala nätverk Shareville och har varken redigerats eller på förhand granskats av Nordnet. Det innebär inte att Nordnet tillhandahåller investeringsrådgivning eller investeringsrekommendationer. Nordnet påtar sig inget ansvar för kommentarerna eller eventuella felaktigheter i automatiska översättningar.
19 dagar sedan
0,00 SEK/aktie
X-dag 24 juni

Nyheter & Analyser

Nyheter och/eller generella investeringsrekommendationer alternativt utdrag därav på denna sida och relaterade länkar är framtagna och tillhandahålls av den leverantör som anges. Nordnet har inte medverkat till framtagandet, granskar inte och har inte gjort några ändringar i materialet. Läs mer om investeringsrekommendationer.
0,00 SEK/aktie
X-dag 24 juni


Delta i diskussionerna på SharevilleFå inspiration från tusentals portföljer och diskutera med andra duktiga investerare.
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  • för 8 tim sedan
    för 8 tim sedan
    för 8 tim sedan
    för 8 tim sedan
  • 5 apr.
    Det kommer en presentasjon på Teams 19 april, med muligheter for spørsmål. Se melding på nyheter her.
  • 1 apr.
    1 apr.
    Jeg har flere spørsmål knyttet til dette. Noen som har noe svar (tenker å evt. sende til selskapet). Noen flere? 1. Hvem blir styret i Resqunit AB etter dette? Her kommet inn nye aksjonærer som har 90% av stemmene, og lite sannsynlig at dagen styre da fortsetter - som vel ikke kan noenting om kommersialisering av Omega3. 2. Hvem blir ledelsen i Resqunit AB. Skal Helge T Olsen drive med Omega3 salg? 3. Hvem er disse 90% aksjonærene? Står at aksjene BioVitos får skal deles ut til deres aksjonærer. Det er uklart hvem det er, annet enn "Morten Skjønberg" som eide 100% 31.12.22. 4. Finansering av AB. Jeg ser ikke at det kommer inn noen penger i Resqunit AB for å finansiere Omega3 satsningen? Skal ingen jobbe med dette? 5. Resqunit AB er forpliktet til å skyte inn mer penger i AS ved behov. Har de disse pengene? 6. Hva er utdelingstidspunktet for aksjer i Resqunit Interessenter? Hvem er styret i det selskapet? 7. Hvordan sikres at ikke AB, som hra fullt eierskap til AS i 12 mnd, ikke gjør beslutninger som har negativ påvirkning på verdiene i AS frem til Resqunit Interessenter kan kjøpe dette? 8. Har Resqunit Interessenter kapital til å kjøpe AS etter 12 mnd? Sikkert flere gode spørsmål her...
    10 apr.
    10 apr.
    Jeg sendte disse spørsmålene inn knyttet til møtet neste uke.
  • Clarifying Our Strategic Moves and Future Directions Dear Resqunit Family,  In recent times, our journey through the complexities of the stock market and strategic business maneuvers has evoked a wide array of conversations among our stakeholders. I am writing to you today to provide clarity and insight into our recent decisions, specifically regarding the strategic agreement we’ve entered into.  ( This CEO blog post can also be read on our website, here. )   Understanding the Costs and Benefits of Public Listing  Since our initial public offering, we faced several challenges inherent to being a publicly listed company. Listing on the stock market could have provided us with opportunities for growth and visibility, but the financial and operational costs have been substantial. It became increasingly clear that the benefits of being listed were overshadowed by these costs, especially given the limited liquidity of our shares and the material discount at which they traded compared to the listing price. This situation prompted us to critically evaluate the value of remaining on the stock exchange for our company and our shareholders.  A Strategic Decision  Our deliberations led us to conclude that operating in a private sphere could pave the way for a more sustainable operational model. We envisioned a structure where we could continue to innovate and grow without the added pressures and costs of being a public company. This vision was shared and supported by our board of directors, who have been instrumental in navigating these strategic waters.  A Transformative Deal for Resqunit  Our recent agreement with Bio Vitos Norge AS represents a significant milestone in our strategic pivot. This deal not only allows our shareholders the continued benefits on the stock exchange but also positions us for continued innovation and growth in the private sphere. The agreement involves the acquisition of intellectual property rights and a capital injection, allowing a continuation of the shareholder advantages of a listed entity built on the aqcuired new business, and capital for commercializing our existing business and maximizing value realization.  Financially, the transaction is structured to benefit Resqunit and its shareholders materially. We initially invested 3 million kroner to list our company, and through this deal, we will recoup 2 million kroner. More importantly, the costs associated with being listed will now be borne by the new business in the holding company, allowing the existing business in the subsidiary to save substantial costs and allocate resources more effectively towards our core mission.  What This Means for Our Shareholders  I understand that changes of this magnitude can lead to questions and concerns. Let me assure you that the interests of our shareholders have been at the forefront of our decision-making process. Through this transition, shareholders will retain their current number of shares in the continued listed company (the new business) and will also maintain the same number of shares and the same percentage ownership in the subsidiary operational company, eventuelly in a private sphere. This ensures that the value and influence you have as a shareholder are not only preserved, but increased as we embark on this new chapter.  Looking Forward  The decision to enter into this strategic agreement is not the end but a new beginning. For the company you know as Resqunit, It marks the start of a journey where we can focus more intently on our innovation, market penetration, and creating value for our stakeholders without the undue burdens of public market compliance and scrutiny.  In the newly forged relationship between Resqunit and Biovitos Norge AS, we are embarking on ventures that promise rapid value generation. Our focus is on two key assets acquired in the transaction: the Omega 3 North Norway brand and the drvitos.com platform.  RESQUNIT will commercialize Omega 3 North Norway, initially using the Amazon platforms, as a quick way to markets and revenues. The brand already has the highest ratings at Amazon, i.e. Fulfilment/Prime. This product proudly showcases its Norwegian heritage, being sourced and produced exclusively in North Norway, ensuring its authenticity and quality.  Furthermore, the brand drvitos.com is a digital doctor/healthcare service. drvitos.com specializes in the Obesitas/overweight sector, mainly medical prescriptions of Ozempic and other weightloss products/brands.   The service of the brand drvitos.com will be launched during the fall and early summer of 2024, in the five major European languages, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, as well as Swedish and Norwegian.  In the existing business, our commitment to solving pressing environmental issues through our technology remains unwavering. We are excited about the potential this new structure holds for us to make even more significant impacts in preventing the loss of marine equipment and contributing to the sustainability of our oceans.  I hope this message provides clarity and reassurance about our strategic direction and the rationale behind our recent decisions. We are at a pivotal point in our journey, and I am confident that with your continued support and trust, the future is bright for Resqunit.    Warm regards,  Helge Trettø Olsen  CEO, Resqunit
  • Ny regjering på plass på Azorene og samme parti beholdt plassen i hav og fiskeri. Om avtalen fra 15 august 2023 nå iverksettes som den er så kan det bli en game changer. https://www.theportugalnews.com/news/2024-03-04/new-government-for-the-azores/86575
Kommentarerna ovan kommer från användare på Nordnets sociala nätverk Shareville och har varken redigerats eller på förhand granskats av Nordnet. Det innebär inte att Nordnet tillhandahåller investeringsrådgivning eller investeringsrekommendationer. Nordnet påtar sig inget ansvar för kommentarerna eller eventuella felaktigheter i automatiska översättningar.



Senaste avslut

Volymvägt snittpris (VWAP)
Omsättning (SEK)

Vi vill bara påminna om att börsen ger och tar. Även om sparande i aktier historiskt gett god avkastning över tid finns inga garantier för framtida avkastning. Det finns risk att du inte får tillbaka de pengar du investerat.


Ingen data hittades

Kunder har även besökt


Nästa händelse
2023 Extra bolagsstämma
24 apr.
5 dagar
Tidigare händelser
2023 Q4-rapport31 mars
2023 Q2-rapport31 aug. 2023
2022 Årsstämma9 juni 2023
2022 Q4-rapport24 feb. 2023
2022 Q2-rapport31 aug. 2022
Data hämtas från Millistream

Relaterade värdepapper

Inga Nordnet Markets Certifikat finns med underliggande värdepapper. Se övriga Certifikat
© 2024 Nordnet Bank AB.
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